PTA Board Responsibilities

The PTA board elections are held in May each year. Anyone who is a PTA general member may seek the nomination for any board
position they may feel qualified to fill. Nominations will be announced at the General PTA Meeting at the School Open House.
We will also accept nominations from the floor if there are any and the vote will be taken that night.

Listed here are the offices and a short description of their duties. Should you be interested in any board position contact
your local PTA board member to let them know you wish to be of service to your school. And don’t be concerned about the time
commitment required. It just takes a few hours a month to help your PTA continue to supply the great assemblies,
field trips, and special activities that our children have come to enjoy and count on them to provide.

School Support
PTA President
VP Fundraising
Auditor - GiveBackHelper
Room Parents
Chair Positions