PTA Board Responsibilities
The PTA board elections are held in May each year. Anyone who is a PTA general member may seek the nomination for any board
position they may feel qualified to fill. Nominations will be announced at the General PTA Meeting at the School Open House.
We will also accept nominations from the floor if there are any and the vote will be taken that night.
Listed here are the offices and a short description of their duties. Should you be interested in any board position contact
your local PTA board member to let them know you wish to be of service to your school. And don’t be concerned about the time
commitment required. It just takes a few hours a month to help your PTA continue to supply the great assemblies,
field trips, and special activities that our children have come to enjoy and count on them to provide.
School Support
- Principal Advisor – Principal
- Teacher Liaison
PTA President
- Prepares agenda and conducts meetings for the Executive Board and General Membership
- Oversees all other officers and activities
- Acts as a liaison between national, state, district, council and local PTA’s
- Represents school PTA at school district meetings
- Has signature authority for all expenditures
VP Fundraising
- Plans Fall and Spring Fundraising events
- Oversees committee chairs
- Oversees and coordinates book fairs
- Plans and directs membership drive with appropriate committee chair
- Prepares Projected Budget for the year
- Presents monthly statements and maintains financial records for the PTA
- Responsible for banking and disbursing funds
- Has signature authority for all expenditures
- Maintains an accurate record of the proceedings of all the general meetings and executive board meetings in a bound book
- Chairs the Bylaws committee and reviews bylaws and standing rules annually
- Responsible for all correspondence
- Creates current database of volunteer candidates
- Maintains a current copy of the bylaws and standing rules
Auditor - GiveBackHelper
Responsible for reviewing the financial records of PTA and preparing audit reports
Room Parents
Room Parents coordinate volunteer activities for their child’s classroom, but do NOT do everything! You will be the communication link between classroom parents and your teacher and other people on campus (PTA, school activities, other community activities). We are trying to open up the lines of communication and make sure that all families at the school know what is going on and feel welcome to be involved where possible.
Chair Positions
Chair positions are not voted upon, just filled by volunteers. We urgently need people to fill these positions as many of the programs need to be planned over the summer or early next school year! If you are interested in one of the chair positions below, please contact any PTA Board member to discuss your interests. Chair positions may be shared and chairpersons may appoint committees to help them fulfill their duties.
Available chair positions include:
- Box Tops/Labels
- Hands on Art
- Jogathon
- Logo Items and T-shirts
- Madison Matters
- Membership
- School Calendar
- Science Program
- STAR Reading
- Thursday Packets and School Information Board
- Website
- Weekly E-mail
- Fall Fundraiser
- Spring Fundraiser
- Halloween Carnival
- Hospitality
- Publicity, Programs and Services
- Reflections (national PTA visual arts program)
- Teacher Appreciation
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Yearbook
- Character Counts
- Chess Club
- Live Well Kids/Nutrition